1. The execution of Vietcong guerrillas ( 1968 )
When General Nguyen Ngoc Loan, South Vietnam police chief began to pull the trigger towards a Vietcong guerrilla commander, Associated Press photographer Eddie Adams began pressing the camera shutter button. Eddie Adams obtained the highest journalism award, the Pulitzer, through photographs of her. But more than that, this picture changed American public opinion against the Vietnam War, sparked anti-war movement and inspired the birth rates in America at that time. To the public, making the iconic image of cruelty and ridicule and rejection is always accompanied him wherever he goes to the end.
2. General Soedirman in stretcher ( 1948 )
General Sudirman was the first and youngest owned by Indonesia, one of the greatest role models and leaders who were born nation. Known image firmly adhered to the principle is also very tough. In very weak from his lungs to live next door, he led a guerrilla for 7 months for the military aggression to-2, moved from forest to forest on crutches and with no treatment at all. Only the spirit of the troops and the resignation he was the one keeping them strong. Sudirman spirit and determination continue to be the driving force during the struggle. And this picture should continue to be a reminder of "the world's Indonesia" will be so many good values, principles and determination that started bleeding everywhere.
3. Wanting A Meal (1993)
Kevin Carter went to Sudan with the intention to take photos of the rebellion. But when he gets there, it's famine victims who appealed to him. The road he found a hungry little girl struggled weakly crawled toward the center of food distribution, stopping half way through and gather strength. Amid the incident, the vultures come in and wait for the boy. Carter capture any event. This photo was first published in the New York Times, and appeared to criticize Carter's harsh reaction that does not help this little girl. Carter believes he was expelled after the vulture was taking photos, but does not help the child because the convention photographers should not interfere in the conflict (?). controversy continues to bombard Carter, although he received a Pulitzer Prize for this work. In 1994, Carter committed suicide by deliberately CO from the exhaust gas flowing into the car. He left a note that the contents of remorse and sorrow for not helping the child, frustration and sadness into debt because because his friend was shot. This photo will always remind the humanitarian tragedy in Africa and the tragedy in the world of photography itself, both are inseparable.
4. Normandy landings ( 1944 )
Robert Capa has a handle that is very popular, "If your pictures are not good results, it means you are not close enough." Before the era of Capa, photo journalism is not so appreciated. Robert Capa as a marker of the importance of journalism photography, which became very influential in many major world events. Capa was best known job was a series of photographs landings in Normandy, where he joined a group of air-Omaha beach landing in France during World War 2. Trapped in a hail of bullets and grenades between Allied - Germany, and for a few hours earlier had taken 106 pictures from camera lenses and short Comtax 6 rolls of 50mm film to capture the invasion that began the fall of Adolf Hitler's. Errors made by staff to wash the film makes all the picture is blurred, but photojournalist Capa followed throughout the grip to date: capturing events from a distance as close as possible.
5. Lynching (1930)
10 000 white men during the rampage and vagrancy daring two young blacks from jail, and punish them by hanging without a judge's decision. The two youths accused of raping a white girl, the events occurred in Marion, Indiana, where courts often occurs when the mass is the accused perpetrator is black. Mass photo session like this used to be made into a postcard to show supremacy whites. The face of the corpse hanging from a contrast proportional to the satisfaction of the people shown, a monument to cruelty and barbarian attitude.
6. Earthrise (1968)
This photograph is the first photograph of Earth taken from outer space. Many people refer to it as the most influential environmental photograph ever taken. Taken on Christmas Eve 1968 by the crew of Apollo 8, William Anders. This photo reminds many people will ringkihnya human existence and size of the planet than the universe.
7. Tiananmen tragedy ( 1989 )
About 3000 student demonstrations in Beijing turned into a mass demosntrasi millions of Chinese people, asking for government reform that is not fair. For 7 weeks, the people and the soldiers face to face and taunt each other. When the communist party began deploying tanks to disperse the period, a student desperate to block the rate of line of tanks, stood at attention in front of him holding the bag. A hero is born. The second hero was born, as tank driver refused to order his commanders to crush the students and chose to walk around it. This incident did not end up beautifully since the Tiananmen Square massacre finally happened. But since then the Chinese community began to realize, there's always hope for unity between the army and the people.
8. The first X-ray photo in the world ( 1896 )
When experiments with cathode ray tube was added barium platinocyanide, Rontgen was surprised to find that the photos turned out to produce the effect of different luminescence. Realizing the power generated yag ray tubes, X-ray photograph his wife's hand (note the circular ring) and make the first X-ray photographs. Before that, doctors can never see the inside of the human body except dissected. Rontgen himself obtained the Nobel prize for physics in 1901.
9. Loch Ness (1934)
Lochness Monster in Scotland is actually a legend has been circulating since the first century, but not before the image above printed and circulated, a false story was spread all over the world. This photo was responsible for dozens of years of speculation, billions of dollars from the pockets of tourists coming from all over the world as well as underwater exploration is expensive and exhausting. All because of this false picture. Christian Spurling, Marmaduke Wetherell, and Ian assemble a fake monster of a toy submarine and wood and mengambangkannya above the lake, and then clipped to the camera. Recognition of them 60 years later (1994) put an end to speculation about the true story of the Loch Ness monster. This photo may have been the first image in the world of engineering, but reaffirmed the statement "the camera never lies ... is people who lie".
10. Kent State 1970
When President Richard Nixon said he was sending troops into Cambodia, student protests in the country. At Kent State some threw batu.pasukan ohio national guard into the struggle and suddenly opened fire on protesters, killing four people, two of them while walking to kekelasnya.Foto capture important moments in which American soldiers had killed the American child. Student photographer John Filo won the Pulitzer, the event is also remembered in the song neil young and the TV movie. A girl named Mary ann Vecchio then turn around do not want to be a student kent state and sent back to his family in Florida.